Sunday, January 17, 2021

Struggling To Earn Crypto ?

You May Earn Crypto by trading or by working on Several websites with Crypto Content.

- For trading , you may have to learn a good strategy , however there is allways risk.
 Never Invest more than you can affoard.Or you may lose all. 

 - Most of the strategys are something like : 

 - Buy when is down and sell when is up . 
 - Never buy when the price is up or else it may fall in the next day. If the Price is down , then you may buy % of something. 
 If in the next day is down again, then maybe you buy a litle more.
 - When the price is starting up , then you may sell by parts. 
-  If it falls again then buy something back from the profit you had before.


  1. Excellent extraordinary superb
